Česká spořitelna decided to embrace a virtual reality technology for the reconstruction of their branches. There are special glasses which work with the Cleverlance application. It helps consumers to better navigate themselves before the reconstruction and see the positive aspects of the change. The glasses show, how the self-service and discrete zone look like, how the workplace for fast requests is designed and even demonstrate teleconference call with colleagues from another branches. There are also some details such as a flower wall or relaxing coffee corner. The main goal of the project is to make clients in the new branch better oriented.
The Cleverlance application will also help employees of Česká spořitelna. An internal coach will work with the team two or three months before the reconstruction of the branch. He will be focused on the following changes of the space and adaptation of current employees. Česká spořitelna is one of the first Czech banks which use a virtual reality for internal education and contact with their clients.
“A virtual guide of our new branches will help us to better adapt our employees and increase customer experience of our clients. This year we are planning a virtual reality training for about 500 of our advisors. With the help of virtual glasses we can show all the parts of our branches such as self-service zone, wall with fresh flowers or discrete zone where we can mediate a video call with a banker,” says Antonín Kratochvíl, Project Development Manager in Česká spořitelna.
“We appreciate that also clients from traditional industries such as banking are working with modern technologies and together we can find ways to bring these innovations in the most efficient and meaningful way. The cooperation with Česká spořitelna was very beneficial, because we could connect our ideas and technological know-how with their experiences and erudition. I personally appreciate that we all really enjoyed this project together,” adds Milan Mitošinka, Head of Mobile Development in Cleverlance.