

The KKCG journey began more than three decades ago. Starting from scratch, KKCG has transformed into a global player with unparalleled ambitions.


KKCG finalizes its acquisition of Avenga

Acquiring Avenga, a global IT engineering and consulting platform with 4,000 employees across 31 offices worldwide, as the next step to becoming Europe's leading NextGen IT services provider.


Allwyn finalizes acquisition of Camelot Lottery Solutions Group

Allwyn finalizes its acquisition of Camelot Lottery Solutions Group, which operates the Illinois State lottery in the US.


Allwyn awarded the Fourth License to operate the UK National Lottery

Allwyn (formerly Sazka Group) is awarded the license to operate the UK National Lottery. Later in 2022, Allwyn announced the acquisition of the previous operator of the UK National Lottery, Camelot UK.


KKFF and MND respond to 
a devastating tornado in Hodonín, Czech Republic

In cooperation with local government and other national and international aid agencies, KKFF and KKCG provides significant humanitarian and development aid, supporting families displaced by the natural disaster and assisting in the redevelopment of public spaces that were destroyed. KKFF continues to work with local stakeholders to realize its ambitious projects.


A helping hand for Czech seniors and schools

Karel Komárek Family Foundation is responding to the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic this spring by offering rapid grant assistance to non-profit organizations caring for the elderly. In the fall, the foundation buys 11 Petrof pianos that a Chinese buyer refused to take delivery of after Czech Senate President Miloš Vystrčil's visit to Taiwan and donates them to Czech schools.


Takeover of Sazka Group and creation of the largest Czech IT holding

KKCG Group becomes 100% owner of SAZKA Group (now Allwyn), Europe’s largest lottery operator. It also owns all shares in the Czech Sazka, Greek OPAP, Italian Lottoitalia and Austrian Casinos Austria. KKCG also represents the brand of ARICOMA Group, the largest Czech IT holding, which represents its activities in this segment.


Expansion in IT

KKCG adds a state-of-the-art SafeDX data centre to its portfolio. New underground gas storage facilities are also being built: one in Dambořice and two in Germany. The total gas storage capacity of all storage facilities amounts to almost 1 billion m3.


Entry into the real estate market and startups

KKCG, through its Real Estate development company, conquers another market, which is real estate. The group establishes Springtide Ventures, an investment fund targeting ambitious technology start-ups, primarily in Israel.


Winning the lottery

KKCG becomes 100% owner of Sazka, the largest Czech lottery company. The result is a 95% share of the betting market.


Investment in biotechnology

KKCG acquires an equity stake in Medicem, a biotechnology company focused on research, development and sales of innovative medical devices.


Caring for cultural heritage

Karel Komárek establishes the Dvořák Prague International Music Festival.


Entry into the oil and gas segment

M.O.S. Hodonín becomes Moravia Systems, which a year later establishes the joint venture SPP Bohemia with the Slovak SPP Bratislava. This is the springboard for Karel Komárek's entry into the energy sector.


First entrepreneurial steps

In 1992, Karel Komárek, the founder and chairman of KKCG, starts his first business. Borrowing CZK 300,000 from his father, he starts the company M.O.S. Hodonín, which creates industrial fittings.